speaking themes

Snapshots of God in the Everyday 
Do you wonder why God doesn’t speak to you the way he spoke to people in Biblical times? Perhaps He is speaking to you, just in a different language.   Explore how to listen for God’s voice and see His hand in the events of everyday life. Bridge the gap between your spiritual and physical lives as the ordinary becomes the extraordinary by viewing it through the lens of faith.


Lessons in Faith from Children
We all try to educate our children in their faith. But if we let Him, God can use our children to teach us. After this presentation you’ll look at “kid’s stuff” in a whole new light—through eyes of faith.

A Fragrant Offering

Be open to receive what God will reveal as you explore Mark’s gospel story of the woman who anointed Jesus with “expensive perfumed oil.”  Focus on the “perfume” the Lord has given each of us to use for his glory.  An excellent presentation for discerning gifts or calls to service.

Lay Down Your Nets
When Jesus called the fishermen, “they left their nets at once and went with Him.”  This presentation explores some of the nets that tie us down and keep us from fully following Christ.  Are you ready to lay yours down?

The Catholic Cookbook
Wouldn’t life be so much easier if you could just follow a recipe? Good news!  You can!  Rediscover the Bible as your faith cookbook and explore some of the special “extra” recipes inside.

Don't see a subject that fits your theme?

Ask Aimee about developing a presentation to meet your needs!

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